Life After Flatiron
525 clock hours completed
Over 526 Coding Labs completed
5 Portfolio projects completed and passed
Sooooo……what happens after you complete Flatiron’s Software Engineering track and graduate?
It can be confusing on where to go from here. The internet always has an opinion on what you should do next. Problem is that there is over a billion opinions on the internet.
The good thing is you aren’t left to your own devices and have to figure things out on your own. This is a continuation to your programming journey.
Flatiron gives you a huge chunk of curriculum you can learn at your own pace. Everything from Angular to Java is there waiting for you to dive in. So why wasn’t this included in the structure course work? That is because the most important thing you are taught is how to learn and how to assimilate new tech into your knowledge base.
Let’s not forget that you also have a job hunt to get to. Flatiron gives you access to career-prep curriculum and a real live career coach to guide you through the process of finding your dream job or at least that first foot in the door of the highly competitive tech industry.
What else should you be doing?
Don’t let your new found talents get rusty. Keep going and make it a routine.
Something else you might want to check into is open source projects to contribute to. It shows you can collaborate with others and can help make up what you may lack in production level code.
Meetups and networking…whether it be virtually or in-person…its important. Get your name and work out there.
It may seem like a long haul and at times you may feel like you aren’t gaining any traction but you can’t give up. A winner is someone who just tried one more time…over and over again.